🚨Important Note🚨:
If your child is absent on hot lunch day, please notify us,
by 11:00am, at poirierattendance@sd62.bc.ca, and include
whether you will pick up your child’s hot lunch order or
if you would like the PAC to donate it to another child.
Lunches are available for pickup at noon. If we don’t hear
from you, we will donate the lunch to support a child in our school.
🚫No Refunds
Please note that, consistent with previous years, NO REFUNDS
are available, as this is a PAC fundraiser—unless you cancel before
the closing date.
🙌We need Volunteers!
We’re on the lookout for a friendly face to help with lunch
pick-ups from Langford on most last Thursdays of the month
(around 10:30-11:00 AM). If you’re available, let our Hot Lunch
Coordinator at ep.pac.hotlunches@gmail.com.
👂We’d love to hear from you!
If you work in the food service or catering industry and want to
join us as a vendor, give us a shout! If you have any cool ideas
or requests for snacks or meals, we’re all ears. Feel free to send
all comments and inquiries about hot lunch to ep.pac.hotlunches@gmail.com