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March 7th, 2025,

Dear Black Bear Families,

Don’t forget to Spring your clocks forward Black Bear families. We are springing into our last week before the break. A huge thank you to our PAC for the wonderful Brazilian musical presentation on Thursday. Everyone was up dancing and singing for the energetic show. We loved it! On Tuesday our Grade 4 and 5 book teams will have their Reading Link Challenge and our Choir will join the Sooke Sing Out at 7pm at Journey Middle School. Reports will be available on MyEd on Thursday for all families. Friday we encourage everyone to come dressed in PJs to celebrate our Black Bear Spirit for the day!

  • Bus Registration is March 1st to April 30th. Bus assignments and routes will be developed based on registrations received during this period, so families are encouraged to register as soon as possible. Transportation | Sooke School District 
  • Mark the date: PAC hosted Games Night in our gym on Friday, April 4th. Bring out your family and play some games together!
  • Save the Date: Bannock and Books at EMCS for ages 0-12 on April 13. Everyone is welcome. A story will be shared and all students will be given some books to bring home. It is a wonderful community event. Please see the attached flyer and register!
  • Join us at Poirier Elementary for a community Clothing Swap! This event is a fantastic way to refresh your wardrobe while making a positive impact on both the environment and our community.

-By swapping instead of shopping, we reduce textile waste, lower our carbon footprint, and keep gently-used clothing out of landfills. It’s a simple yet powerful way to embrace sustainability! Plus, it’s an opportunity for families to support one another — giving clothes a second life and helping everyone access new-to-them items without extra cost.

-Bring your clean, gently-used kid’s clothing and find something “new” to take home.

Here are the details:

-Drop off to Poirier Elementary, to the office or Mme Little’s classroom (room 1138), between March 10th and April 4th – the week before and after spring break. 

-On our Show What You Know day, April 10th, we will have the clothing laid out in the gym where you can come and take what you need. 

  • Sooke Sing Out  The annual Sing-Out is Tuesday, March 11th at 7 pm at Journey Middle School in the gym. Check out the Choir group in the Ecole Poirier Black Bears App for all the details, or contact Mme Arts at the school with any questions. See you there!
  • Lost and Found will be donated on Friday. Please check for any items your child is missing. There are a lot of winter coats in there that were shed when the weather warmed up. Thank you
  • YOGA for Kids in the morning: Our Students Engagement Facilitator is offering yoga from 8:20-8:40 am Monday and Friday in the gym for any interested students. Please encourage your child to join if this is something they may enjoy.
  • Mark your calendars for Sooke Seedy Saturday on Saturday March 29th at the Sooke Community Hall. Sooke Food CHI is once again hosting an amazing family oriented gardening extravaganza. Please see the attached information. 

PAC Information (A BIG Thank you to all our Parent and Family volunteers!)

Seed Fundraiser The Make It Sow seed packages from our seed sale fundraiser have arrived!  They have been distributed to classrooms to be brought home by the appropriate child.  If you ordered and do not receive your package(s), please email ep.pac.fundraising@gmail.com and we will track it down.  If your child is ill, the packages can wait in their classroom until they return or you can email, as above, to make other arrangements for pick up. 

 Chocolate FundraiserOur next fundraiser is under way, just in time for the Easter season – Truffle Pig Chocolates fundraiser! Delicious chocolates for Easter or just an any time treat.  There are Gluten free and Dairy free options (please read ingredient information on items, Gluten free items are marked, but sorting filter doesn’t work very well.  These chocolates do contain or may contain nuts, sorry to those with nut allergies.)

Go to: www.trufflepigchocolates.com 

Navigate through available chocolates from the main page or using “Shop” drop down menu across the top. -Add items to your cart. -At check out, make sure to use code: TPFYo8gkE

(If code is not entered it will ship to home, with shipping fees, and will not be included in our school fundraiser, when the code is entered it will remove shipping fees, and will be delivered to the school.) Deadline to order is March 19th.

 Apparel and Swag-

We hit a bump in the road for our school spirit wear: our current supplier is moving and rebranding.  So, this is no longer available.  We are working to find a new supplier, hopefully no later than Fall 2025, if not before.

If our fundraising coordinator, Elizabeth, has not reached out about outstanding orders, for anything ordered in January or before, and you are still missing items, please e-mail ep.pac.fundraising@gmail.com ASAP. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Upcoming Dates to Note:

Tuesday, March 11th Fire Drill

Wednesday, March 12th Grade 5 Sooke schools Lahal Tournament hosted here all day.

Thursday, March 13th Reports available on MyED for all students

Friday, March 14th PJ Day at Poirier

Monday, March 17th to Friday, March 28th Spring Break

Monday, March 31st Schools Reopen

Friday, April 4th PAC Hosted Games Night at 6:30pm

Read and Ride September Kindergartens

Thursday, April 10th Early Dismissal 11:40 

*** Clothing Swap ***

Friday, April 11th Professional Development Day No School

Tuesday, April 15th Fire Drill

Thursday, April 17th Fun Run 3:20

Friday, April 18th No School Good Friday

Monday, April 21st No School Easter Monday

Thursday, April 24th Fun Run 3:20

Wednesday, April 30th Jump Rope For Heart Day

Have a super weekend with as many unplanned outdoor walks as you can fit in! 

Tess Vally and Grania Bridal

Sooke Seedy Saturday March 29th
Walking School Bus For Poirier



February 28, 2025,

Dear Black Bear Families,

Pink Shirt Day was Wednesday. This day started in Canada because some students chose to take action and stand up for a boy who was teased and bullied for wearing pink. Our Black Bears wore pink on Wednesday to show that they also stand for kindness not hate. These kids will show our world how to be the best it can be. Thank you to Mme Deshane and Mme Beattie and their crew for organizing an amazingly informative assembly with a great dance at the end!


    • Walking School Bus: Sign up information attached!
    • Drop off/Pick up: Please do not use the bus lane during morning drop off and pick up unless otherwise arranged. Thank you for your patience especially during the heavy traffic times. And, thank you for observing the accessible parking. 


  • AXE and similar scented products. We are a scent free zone. This is because some members of our school community have asthma or other conditions that are made worse by artificial scents. Thank you for your consideration.


  • Sooke Sing Out information for all choir members should be coming home with your child, along with a form to confirm your attendance. The annual Sing-Out is Tuesday, March 11th at 7 pm at Journey Middle School in the gym. Check out the Choir group in the Ecole Poirier Black Bears App for all the details, or contact Mme Arts at the school with any questions.
  • Our Students Engagement Facilitator is offering yoga from 8:20-8:40 am Monday and Friday in the gym for any interested students. Please encourage your child to join if this is something they may enjoy.

PAC Information

Seed Fundraiser – The Make It Sow seed packages from our seed sale fundraiser have arrived!  They have been distributed to classrooms to be brought home by the appropriate child.  If you ordered and do not receive your package(s), please email ep.pac.fundraising@gmail.com and we will track it down.  If your child is ill, the packages can wait in their classroom until they return or you can email, as above, to make other arrangements for pick up. 

 Chocolate Fundraiser-Our next fundraiser is under way, just in time for the Easter season – Truffle Pig Chocolates fundraiser! Delicious chocolates for Easter or just an any time treat.  There are Gluten free and Dairy free options (please read ingredient information on items, Gluten free items are marked, but sorting filter doesn’t work very well.  These chocolates do contain or may contain nuts, sorry to those with nut allergies.)

Go to: www.trufflepigchocolates.com 

Navigate through available chocolates from the main page or using “Shop” drop down menu across the top. -Add items to your cart. -At check out, make sure to use code: TPFYo8gkE

(If code is not entered it will ship to home, with shipping fees, and will not be included in our school fundraiser, when the code is entered it will remove shipping fees, and will be delivered to the school.)

 Apparel and swag-

We hit a bump in the road for our school spirit wear: our current supplier is moving and rebranding.  So, this is no longer available.  We are working to find a new supplier, hopefully no later than Fall 2025, if not before.

If our fundraising coordinator, Elizabeth, has not reached out about outstanding orders, for anything ordered in January or before, and you are still missing items, please e-mail ep.pac.fundraising@gmail.com ASAP.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Upcoming Dates to Note:

Friday, March 7th Gr. 5s to Journey for Career Exploration

Tuesday, March 11th Fire Drill

Wednesday, March 12th Grade 5 Sooke schools Lahal Tournament hosted here all day.

Thursday, March 13th Reports available on MyED for all students

Monday, March 17th to Friday, March 28th Spring Break

Monday, March 31st Schools Reopen

Have a really wonderful and peaceful weekend. Thank you for all of your support.

Tess Vally and Grania Bridal

Walking School Bus For Poirier