Home / School News / Our Weekly Sept. 20


Sept. 20, 2024

Dear Poirier Families,

Thank you to all of our families who were able to make the “Meet the Staff” evening. Our school is your school and you are welcome to visit any time just check in at the office first. We love meeting our families.

The Terry Fox Run today was a great success. Students ran their hearts out and put their heart into Terry’s cause, raising money for pediatric cancer. We will have the total once we have counted all those toonies!

  • On Friday please wear ORANGE for our honoring of Truth and Reconciliation.
  • Please ensure you have completed the online permissions. Here is the link to do so: https://consent.sd62.bc.ca/apps/OnlineConsent
  • Please download our app for communication. This QR code will bring you to the app link.
  • Our Poirier PAC wants to know what you liked and what you prefer to never see again in their fundraising. Please click the link to fill out a form to provide your input. Thank you Poirier PAC Fundraising feedback 

Attached to the Weekly:

  • Harvest Season Celebration in Sooke on Sunday September 29, 2024 from 10:00 – 3:00

Dates Ahead:

September 23, Monday No School for School Planning Day (In Lieu)

September 27, Friday Honoring Truth and Reconciliation Assembly

September 30, Monday National Day Truth and Reconciliation No School

October 2, Wednesday Individual Photos

October 4, Friday Fire Drill 

October 14, Monday Thanksgiving No School

October 17, Thursday Earthquake Drill

October 24, Thursday Fire Drill

October 25, Friday Professional Development Day No School

October 31, Thursday Halloween Celebrations

Have the best weekend with your awesome kids. We had a great week here!

Thank you,

Tess Vally and Grania Bridal

FLYER Harvest Festival