Home / Staff List

Absence Reporting to : poirierattendance@sd62.bc.ca please also include your student/s teacher in the e-mail.
Tess Vally  Principal – tvally@sd62.bc.ca
Grania Bridal Vice-Principal – gbridal@sd62.bc.ca
Alisha Shea  Elementary Administrative Assistant – ashea@sd62.bc.ca
Teaching Staff   
Lynelle Ridewood   Div. 1 – Gr. 4/5 –  lridewood@sd62.bc.ca
Kaitlin Deshane   Div. 2F – Gr. 4/5 – kdeshane@sd62.bc.ca
Kevin Parsons  Div. 3 – Gr. 4/5 – kparsons@sd.62.bc.ca
Zach Thompson  Div. 4F – Gr. 4/5 – zthompson@sd62.bc.ca
Emily Dupuis  Div. 5F – Gr. 4 – edupuis@sd62.bc.ca

Dylan Karleen

Leona Ngan

 Div. 6 – Gr. 3/4 – dkarleen@sd62.bc.ca

Co-Teach – lngan@sd62.bc.ca

Kelly Taylor   Div. 7F – Gr. 3 – ketaylor@sd62.bc.ca
Maia Vally  Div. 7F – Gr. 3 – mvalley@sd62.bc.ca
Mikayla Little   Div. 8F – Gr. 2/3 – mlittle@sd62.bc.ca
Alysha Chumber  Div. 9 – Gr. 1/2 – achumber@sd62.bc.ca
Kristy Green Div. 10 – Gr.2/3 – kgreen@sd62.bc.ca
Julli Murphy  Div. 10 – Gr.2/3 – jmurphy@sd62.bc.ca
Taiya Kristiansen   Div. 11F – Gr.2 – tkristiansen@sd62.bc.ca
Caitlin Adsett   Div. 12F – Gr.2 – cadsett@sd62.bc.ca
Noelle Mullinix   Div. 13- Gr.1/2 – nmullinix@sd62.bc.ca
Elaine Ralph-Bruce   Div. 14F –  Gr.1 – ebursey@sd62.bc.ca
Erika Pyper  Div. 15F – Gr. 1 – epyper@sd62.bc.ca
Jacqui Kupsch  Div.16 – Gr. K/1 – jkupsch@sd62.bc.ca
Shannon Miller   Div. 17 – Gr. K – smiller@sd62.bc.ca
Kyla Beattie  Div. 18F – Gr. K- kbeattie@sd62.bc.ca
Nicole Banman   Div. 19F – Gr.K – nhaas@sd62.bc.ca
Sandi Arts  Music Teacher – sarts@sd62.bc.ca
Itinerant Staff   
Kira Decyk  LA/LIT– kdecyk@sd66.bc.ca
Isabelle Dion  IS/LS – idion@sd62.bc.ca
Jim Schorer  IS/LS –  jschorer@sd62.bc.ca
Beki Wood  IS/LIT/LS – bwood@sd62.bc.ca
Samantha Powers  Library  – spowers@sd62.bc.ca
Roos Schut  SLP – rschut@sd62.bc.ca
Sebastian Button  Counsellor – sbutton@sd62.bc.ca
Dana Fraser  ESD – dfraser@sd62.bc.ca
Rachel Radsma  ADST 
Mark Koslowski  OT – mkoslowski@sd62.bc.ca
Support Staff   
Sarah Ellwood   Education Assistant
Anna Fenton   Education Assistant
Annette Lajeunesse   Education Assistant
Baillie Stuart   Education Assistant
Bea Andrews   Education Assistant
Chantelle Siri   Education Assistant
Darryl Macleod  Education Assistant
Donna Bonin  Education Assistant
Elena Christians  Education Assistant
Jo Paquin  Education Assistant
Justine Hope   Education Assistant
Kimberlie Steele  Education Assistant
Laura Taggart  Education Assistant
Marlise Lewis  Education Assistant
Mike Meagher  Education Assistant
Sean Brown  Education Assistant
Sophie Roberts  Education Assistant
Susan Johnson  Education Assistant
Danica Fruttarol  Library Clerk 
Nicole Underwood  Na’tsa’Maht Classroom Program Assistant
Sandi Bowers  SEF
Shelley Yates  ECE 
Suyoun Kim  Na’tsa’Maht Classroom Program Assistant
Shelley Henss  Noon-Hour Supervisiors 
Meghan Rownd  Noon-Hour Supervisiors 
Jennifer Swystun  Custodian