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Hi Poirier Families,

9AM – 11:00AM

Our photographer had to leave today before all of the photos were taken. A photographer will be back again tomorrow morning for further retakes.
Thank you, Tess Vally


Oct. 18, 2024

  PEKELANEW-Moon that turns the leaves white(Oct.)

Dear Poirier Families,

We are in the Pekelanew Moon. -The moon that turns the leaves white and our classes have been connecting to our beautiful environment while noticing the changes in the season around us. This also means that our black bears should dress for the weather and bring a change of clothes because being outside these days means getting wet and maybe mucky as well as getting happy and having fun.

  • Accessible Parking: We have added an accessibility parking spot using a cone and sign to the spot in front of the cross walk by the main entrance. Please only park in this spot if you need an accessible parking spot because of a mobility limitation. Thank you
  • Photo retakes are on Monday. If you have not requested a retake through the photo company link, please just send a note to the teacher or remind your child on Monday. Anyone that wants a retake will have one. Thank you
  • Grade 4s and 5s have the bike riding program on Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your forms are in and bikes come to school on Tuesday. Here is a link for more information on the program:https://linktr.ee/everyonerides45 Thank you
  • On Halloween, Thursday, Oct. 31, our Bears are welcome to wear their costumes to school to celebrate Halloween. 
    • We know that masks are a part of costumes at this age so if face makeup will not do the trick, we are fine with masks being worn at this age. 
    • Please keep accessories and weapons at home for the evening. 
    • Our Black Bears are young and everyone has different comfort levels for blood and gore. Please keep this in mind as costumes are being selected and put together for school. Some of our newcomers to Canada may be triggered by images of soldiers, skeletons, fake blood, and other costumes related to death or war. 
    • Thank you for helping your child find an appropriate costume for the school day.
  • Friday, Oct. 25th is no school for Professional Development.

Dates Ahead:

October 21, Monday Photo Retakes 

October 24, Thursday Fire Drill

October 25, Friday Professional Development Day No School

October 31, Thursday Halloween Celebrations 

(Jack-o-lantern Gallery and Dance during the day)

November 5, Tuesday PAC Meeting 7pm

November 8, Friday Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 11, Monday Remembrance Day -No School

November 21, Thursday Early Dismissal for Shared Learning Dismissal 11:40

November 22, Friday Professional Development Day -No School

Have a cozy weekend in the rain! Tess Vally and Grania Bridal


October 11, 2024

Dear Black Bear Families,

The chill of Fall was in the air, but that didn’t stop our Cross Country Runners in our Community Fun Run! We are so thankful for the staff and community members who helped to make this event possible. This is a long weekend and as always we hope that our Black Bears get out to enjoy our great outdoors, the forests, beaches, and play fields. We are so thankful for all of our families and we value all that you bring to our school community. 

  • Next week we participate in the Great Shake Out and will practice an earthquake drill on Thursday. Our Grade 4s and 5s will also participate in the Student Vote and mark their ballots for the provincial election.
  • We are happy to welcome Ms. Shea to our wonderful team. She will be able to help you in the front office. Ms. Shea’s email is ashea@sd62.bc.ca or call on our phone at 250-642-0500.
  • When your Black Bear is going to be late or away please email us at poirierattendance@sd62.bc.ca. You can include the classroom teacher as well. Please do not use this email for any other communication. Thank you.
  • Please remember to check in at the office whenever you come to our school even if you have an appointment with a staff. Thank you for helping us to know who is in our school. 
  • Don’t forget to download our app using this QR code. Ms. Shea will keep the calendar updated on the app. You also get engaging information like this!

 PAC Information

Hot lunch day is Thursday, Oct. 24th with the last day to order being Oct. 17th.

New parents/guardians can quickly sign up for Munch a Lunch here 

 https://munchalunch.com/register to create an account. 

Returning parents/guardians, your login awaits you here 


Dates Ahead:

October 14, Monday Thanksgiving Holiday No School

October 17, Thursday Earthquake Drill

October 21, Monday Photo Retakes 

October 24, Thursday Fire Drill

October 25, Friday Professional Development Day No School

October 31, Thursday Halloween Celebrations (Jack-o-lantern Gallery and Dance)

November 5, Tuesday PAC Meeting 7pm

November 8, Friday Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 11, Monday Remembrance Day -No School

November 21, Thursday Early Dismissal for Shared Learning Dismissal 11:40

November 22, Friday Professional Development Day -No School

Have a wonderful weekend.

Tess Vally and Grania Bridal